Chalkboard wine glasses


I cannot drink wine from a plastic cup, I just can’t. So I needed to get extra wine glasses for our holiday dinner at the cottage, where I have only 4 wine glasses! Again, the various thrift stores yielded a nice mismatch of shapes and sizes. I saw chalboard-dipped glasses on Pinterest but my black paint was old and totally separated. I did have tiny jars of colored chalkboard paint (used to sell them at my store, craft stores carry them) so I picked a light yellow/green and brushed it onto the bottom of the glasses. I didn’t dip for 2 reasons: not enough paint to get high enough on the stem and I didn’t want paint on the bottom, which could rub off on the furniture.
The paint can’t go in the dishwasher but we usually hand wash glasses anyhow. I picked out red chalk for people to scribble with, I’ll post pics after the party(ies)

Party: done!

The Harry Potter party is over and I am now suffering from post-party depression….

here are some non-kid-featuring pics of some of the set up….

Cake: done!

HP cake, step 1

I went back and forth for days trying to decide which cake I would make for this party… I really wanted to make a broom shaped cake, but I wasn’t too confident with my sculpting skills… then, today, my favorite cake blog, Cake Wrecks, posted it’s second homage to Harry Potter cake….. And then I saw it. The round harry face in the second half of the post…..


Planning a Harry Potter bday party…

I may be going a little UBER on this one…

a couple of signs have been made, i have a ton of recipes to pick from, and I convinced myself NOT to wrap the swing set in fabric to make a pretend Hogwarts…., mostly because it made no sense since I am turning the porch into the dining hall! so the swing set will be Ollivanders.